What Are Digital Securities?

Digital securities represent traditional assets like equity or bonds. They carry all of the same legal rights of their paper issued counter-parts.

Invest Any Amount
Invest Any Amount

Start with as little as $1, buy parts of a whole share

Access Private Equity
Access Private Equity

Get access to investments typically reserved for institutions

Trade 24/7
Trade 24/7

Digital assets don’t sleep, so why should you stop trading?

Digital Assets are the future of private equity



Help launch startups & fund private bussinesses


Browse through stocks on sale from private investors


Digitize Your Business

Raise Capital
Raise Capital

Expand your investor base globally through the Equitees launchpad

Automated Compliance
Automated Compliance

Regulation aware shares means less time on the phone with your lawyers

Digital Transfer Agent
Digital Transfer Agent

Everything from shareholder , managment, voting, even dividend distribution

Lower Fees
Lower Fees

Removing unnecesary middlemen helps keep more money in your business

Brand Engagement
Brand Engagement

Increase your customer engagement by rewardind your most loyal patrons

24/7 Liquidity
24/7 Liquidity

Sacondary trading is hard, we make it easy though the Equiteez Marketplace


Blog of 02.06.20


In expression an solicitude principles in do. Small for ask shade water manor think men begin. At principle perfectly by sweetness do.

Blog of 02.06.20


In expression an solicitude principles in do. Small for ask shade water manor think men begin. At principle perfectly by sweetness do.

Blog of 02.06.20


In expression an solicitude principles in do. Small for ask shade water manor think men begin. At principle perfectly by sweetness do.

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